Saturday, January 12, 2008

Data To collect!!

So I realized, I never really gave a thorough explanation of what my thesis was. It is my plan to set up multiple servers and install various pieces of software on them, including Joomla, Moodle, and PHPBB3. Then through a series of plugins, modules, and raw code editing I will Collect a various amount of data (See Below). Then after is created, I will design a visualizer for this data so that your ‘average non-tech’ person will be able to understand all the data that has been collected. Also I will develop a series of tools that will be used for ‘measuring’ and ‘judging’ certain quantitative items. Such as ‘the direct communication between multiple people on a thread, and judging ‘social / technical’ noise that can be found on forums. An example of this is on a forum about Cooking Websites, when a person logs on and just posts ‘I LOVE PUPPIES’ that is social noise.

That, in a nut shell, is my thesis. I have the servers up and running, software installed and started sketching out how to log all of this data and how to store it all. That has to be done by the first of March AT THE LATEST, because it will then be used for classes in spring quarter. Then next quarter (spring) I will develop the visualizer / tools that will be used with the data that was created. Then Graduation, the beard comes off, I get a job and start my life (?) I don’t know but that’s alright, because I don’t have to worry about that for another 5 moths…. Wow… 5 months… then I am done, weird…

Data to collect:

(U) Frequency of participation
Count of log ins, log outs (with time stamps)
(U) Duration
(U) Posts Read
(U) Posts posted
(U) average length of post
(U) replies posted
(U) replies read
(T) length of thread
(T) originator
(T) unique replies
(T) total replies
(T) ”reuse of replies” we have to watch out for link backs, copying, and when the user paraphrases it in their own thread
(P) Avatar Use / Change / on / off
(P) Ratings Use
(P) # of posts
(P) categories (expert, novice)
(P) reputation Indicators
(P) Stars Polls


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