Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wow, who was incharge of this?

So I went to Cross Roads yesterday (Martin Luther King Jr day) and this is what they had:

'The Martin Luther King Jr Special'
Fried Chicken, Collard Greens, Black-eyed Pea Rice & Cornbread $6.59
Served at the Crossbar for lunch 11.a.m. – 2 p.m.
Dinner 4:30 – 8 p.m.

Now don't get me wrong, they MIGHT be able to pass this off if they didn't specify what day it was but holy cow! What kind of organization thinks, 'Hmm... Martin Luther King Jr... well he was black... what do black people like to eat? OH I KNOW!!! Fried Chicken, Collard Greens, Black-eyed Pea Rice and Cornbread!!' Seriously what the heck? I am not of African American decent and I found this insulting. How did this get past the committee?! Oh well, I just got angry about it and thought I would share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

98pxy made a mention of it this morning. I was laughing my head off. Funny thing was I was turning into RIT when they mentioned it.

January 23, 2008 at 8:54 AM  

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